Eye Care Campaign
Eye care Campaign in New Mansoura University
“Your Vision Matters, Check Your Eyes for a Better Life”
Under the patronage of Prof. Mawwad El-Khouly, President of New Mansoura University, and the leadership of Prof. Hala El-Marasy, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine,
and under the supervision of Prof. Suzie Fayez Aweida, Director of the Medicine and Surgery Program.
With the participation of a distinguished group of ophthalmology professors:
Dr. Mohamed Ahmed El-Shafie, Lecturer of Ophthalmology – Kafr El-Sheikh University and Mansoura New University,
and Dr. Ghada Hassan Allam, Lecturer of Ophthalmology – Mansoura University and Mansoura New University.
and fantastic group of medical students actively contributed and committed to spreading knowledge and promoting awareness about common eye diseases.
Monday, November 27, 2023
The campaign includes a comprehensive eye examination:
visual acuity measurement
fundus examination
intraocular pressure measurement.
Awareness about Glaucoma
Organized by
Faculty of Medicine - New Mansoura University - EgyptContact: Mohamed ELShafie
Contact Email: mohamed.elshafie@nmu.edu.eg
Category: Awareness

27/11/20239:00 am - 3:00 pm
new mansoura universityFF64+6JP, Coast Road, Al Hafir WA Al Amal, Belqas, Dakahlia Governorate 7723730, Egypt